2005 Pacific Grove Marching Band Fesitval

Groups attending our event will be judged on the following criteria:


100 Total Points from the following:
40 Points: Music Caption: ( 20- GE Music, 10-Individual, 10-Ensemble)
40 Points: Visual Caption: ( 20- GE Visual, 10-Individual, 10- Ensemble)
10 Points: Percussion Caption: (Avg. of two scores. 1 Judge on Field, 1 in Box)
10 Points: Auxiliary Caption
  Additional Categories of Competition (not part of overall score):
- Drum Major/Field Conductor


1000 Possible Points from the following:
500 Points: Music Caption (Average of two music judges scores)
250 Points: Showmanship Caption (Average of two judges scores)
200 Points: Marching Caption (average of two judges scored)
50 Points: Auxiliary Caption (average of two judges scores)
  Additional Categories of Competition (not part of overall score):
- Percussion
- Drum Major (Military, Mace, Open)


300 Total Points from the following:
Judge 1: 100 Points Possible.
Judge 2: 100 Points Possible.
Judge 3: 100 Points Possible
**Jazz Adjudication Sheets will be standard IAJE-type sheets.
**Concert Adjudication Sheets will be standard CMEA-type sheets.

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